Peer-to-peer social gaming: The heart of BettyBetBet

Peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms have revolutionised the way many games are played – but not yet in the world of betting. BettyBetBet transforms the world of betting into P2P social gaming. We’re a platform that builds community spirit – making sure the game always stays fun and that players stay within their limits. But what exactly […]

King of the Hill: Our rules for dummies

Last week we sat down to explain how our winning fees worked. In the interest of keeping all things transparent. We thought it best to formally publish the rules for our games. King of the Hill is our version of the iconic last-man standing game played in pubs across the country. An exciting knockout game […]

BettyBetBet: How we split winnings

When it comes to betting platforms, transparency and clarity are essential. At BettyBetBet, we believe in providing our users with the facts: we want you to know where the money goes. Winning splits explained: In private games of both Win King and King of the Hill, you get to decide the split between your winner […]

King of the Hill vs. Win King – Choosing the right game for fun and fundraising

BettyBetBet’s adrenaline-pumping last-man standing game King of the Hill and its counterpart, Win King, which introduces a league-based structure offer two very different styles of play. However, the choice between the two goes beyond just gameplay preferences; it extends to the unique fundraising opportunities each mode offers. King of the Hill: The thrill of the […]

BettyBetBet: Revolutionizing last man standing games with error-free spreadsheets

In last man standing games, strategy and decision making are crucial, even the slightest mistake in managing spreadsheets or lists can lead to a player’s downfall or a major group chat fallout. Enter BettyBetBet, a groundbreaking app that has been designed to eliminate errors and remove the management process in last man standing games. This […]

Social responsibility in betting: BettyBetBet’s approach

Social gambling and responsibility

In online gaming apps where excitement and anticipation thrive, responsible gambling practices often take a back seat. However, BettyBetBet is paving the way for a more conscientious approach to betting. In this article, we’ll delve into how BettyBetBet prioritises social responsibility within its community, addressing concerns and fostering a healthy gaming environment. Promoting responsible gambling: […]

Strategies for Fundraising Campaigns in 2024

In fundraising staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. Over recent years the dynamics of fundraising have transformed, demanding innovative approaches and strategic thinking as a result of the pandemic and technological advancement. Whether you’re fundraising for a nonprofit organization, a startup, or a personal cause, adopting the right strategies can make all […]

Alternative ways of fundraising and using BettyBetBet

BettyBetBet is a fun way to get your community behind a cause, be that supporting your club, a charity or a good cause. With our private game modes, you get to decide what cut of the pot goes to your good cause and your winner. Set up your game, invite some players and away you […]

6 steps to success: A guide to fundraising with BettyBetBet

Fundraising is a vital tool that fuels growth, development, and success – at all levels of football. BettyBetBet is thrilled to offer an exciting opportunity for clubs to boost their financial support or support charitable causes close to them through our innovative and fun method of fundraising. We know that running spreadsheets for your last […]